Interactive & Electronic Art
Alex van Giersbergen is currently based in Helsinki, Finland, born in the Netherlands. During his
education in Rotterdam, he became influenced by the new media scene and media festival culture. He
creates interactive works using custom software and electronics. His work focuses on every day routines
and picks apart behavioural patterns. Over the years collaborations with other artists have become more
central, which lead to varied projects that focus on sound and interaction. Currently van Giersbergen
focuses on composing visual narratives to accompany sound and theatre performances.
Alex van Giersbergen has exhibited in the Netherlands and Finland, and performed in the United Kingdom, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Russia.
Alex van Giersbergen has exhibited in the Netherlands and Finland, and performed in the United Kingdom, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Russia.
Selection of work
2021: ALOES - Exit the Loophole, live performance, Helsinki, FI
2021: ALOES - Öres Summer Exhibition, live performance and online video, Örö, FI
2021: ALOES - Old Mine Residency, Outokumpu, FI
2020: ALOES - Öres Artist Residency, Örö, FI
2020: ALOES - Various livestreams, different platforms and festivals
2020: ALOES – Drift, live performance, Ääniaalto V, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Piksel Festival, Bergen, NO
2019: Kartta, visuals for theatre performance, Kansallis Teatteri, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Art Fair Suomi Opening, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Kontula Electronic, Helsinki, FI
2019: Braided Sound, collaborative performance, Akusmata Gallery, Helsinki, FI
2019: Sound On, commissioned Interactive Installation, Ateneum Museum, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Ääniaalto, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - Water II, live performance, Inversia Festival, Murmansk, RU
2018: ALOES – Water II, live performance, Dordtyart, Dordrecht, NL
2018: mHAARP, interactive installation, Occupy Earth – Aalto & Parsons Collaborative Exposition, Espoo, FI
2018: ALOES – Water, live performance, Component, Third Space, Helsinki, FI
2018: ALOES, live performance, Noisefloor, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
2018: ALOES – Water, live performance, Ääniaalto, Helsinki, FI
2017: Concept and design for Christmas tree forest Kansallismuseo Helsinki, FI
2017: Strings II, interactive installation Tekniikan Museo, Helsinki, FI
2016: Thermobird, DASH'16 Helsinki, interactive prototype, Helsinki, FI
2016: Strings, DASH'16 Helsinki, interactive installation, Helsinki, FI
2016: DASH'16 Helsinki, Organiser, Helsinki, FI
2011: Green Builders, interactive installation, Fenixloodsen Rotterdam, NL
2011: King Cone, Willem de Kooning Gallery, exhibition and performance, Rotterdam, NL
2010: Structet 2, Todaysart 2010, audiovisual performance, visual artist, Den Haag, NL
2009: Afrikaandermarkt Bigband, De Player (Com.Post Series), performance, assistant to Paul Granjon, Rotterdam, NL
2007: Promotional Animation on the KPN Building, Deaf07 festival, Rotterdam, NL
2021: ALOES - Öres Summer Exhibition, live performance and online video, Örö, FI
2021: ALOES - Old Mine Residency, Outokumpu, FI
2020: ALOES - Öres Artist Residency, Örö, FI
2020: ALOES - Various livestreams, different platforms and festivals
2020: ALOES – Drift, live performance, Ääniaalto V, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Piksel Festival, Bergen, NO
2019: Kartta, visuals for theatre performance, Kansallis Teatteri, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Art Fair Suomi Opening, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Kontula Electronic, Helsinki, FI
2019: Braided Sound, collaborative performance, Akusmata Gallery, Helsinki, FI
2019: Sound On, commissioned Interactive Installation, Ateneum Museum, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - The Road, live performance, Ääniaalto, Helsinki, FI
2019: ALOES - Water II, live performance, Inversia Festival, Murmansk, RU
2018: ALOES – Water II, live performance, Dordtyart, Dordrecht, NL
2018: mHAARP, interactive installation, Occupy Earth – Aalto & Parsons Collaborative Exposition, Espoo, FI
2018: ALOES – Water, live performance, Component, Third Space, Helsinki, FI
2018: ALOES, live performance, Noisefloor, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
2018: ALOES – Water, live performance, Ääniaalto, Helsinki, FI
2017: Concept and design for Christmas tree forest Kansallismuseo Helsinki, FI
2017: Strings II, interactive installation Tekniikan Museo, Helsinki, FI
2016: Thermobird, DASH'16 Helsinki, interactive prototype, Helsinki, FI
2016: Strings, DASH'16 Helsinki, interactive installation, Helsinki, FI
2016: DASH'16 Helsinki, Organiser, Helsinki, FI
2011: Green Builders, interactive installation, Fenixloodsen Rotterdam, NL
2011: King Cone, Willem de Kooning Gallery, exhibition and performance, Rotterdam, NL
2010: Structet 2, Todaysart 2010, audiovisual performance, visual artist, Den Haag, NL
2009: Afrikaandermarkt Bigband, De Player (Com.Post Series), performance, assistant to Paul Granjon, Rotterdam, NL
2007: Promotional Animation on the KPN Building, Deaf07 festival, Rotterdam, NL
2018: Occupy Earth – Collaborative Course on Illusion, Climate Control and Ecology, Article in catalog.
2011: Department of Public Sound #1, Article on a DIY instrument
2011: Krooning, Publication in Catalog
2011: Department of Public Sound #1, Article on a DIY instrument
2011: Krooning, Publication in Catalog